scandata files that take up 15gb+Also before doing this make sure you know how to find pointers, or remember exactly how you found it because you might lose your results otherwise. When shooting at cop/triad vehicles in-car, try to let them get in front of you, then shoot the tyres which makes the car flip over and continue shooting at the underside of the vehicle as it does so it blows up - tyre shot XP. Some say that Limited is better, that it has less bugs and more DLC (30 vs 24). Just a warning though it's going to take up a lot of RAM while you do unknown scans and it will save. Try to ram them off the road, you get lovely XP for vehicle damage each time you ram them. Sleeping dogs - Definitive vs limited edition Sleeping dogs - Definitive vs limited edition. I'd start with an Unknown Value scan, wait for the weather to change and then pick increased or decreased value scan and hopefully you'll get the right one and track it down after enough scans. It'll also probably have something constantly writing to it's address or value, something like a timer that checks how long it's been waiting and changes the weather to match. Sunny might be 0, overcast could be 1 and rain could be 2. By applying this starter save to your game, you can fully experience a true New Game + experience, by having all available assets and upgrades next to. file type Trainer file size 3. This trainer may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. Weather is usually a complicated system in games but if I had to take a guess, the weather "state" would be a 1 or 4 byte value which increases or decreases with each change. Gameplay-facilitating trainer for Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition. You can find also 29566 trainers, cheats, walkthrough, soluces, hints for PC games, consoles. I tried the Lingon trainer, for version 1.8 of the game, and I cant get it to.
I'm going to take some time away but I can look into that a bit when I come back to the game! It's similar to the process used for Game Shark except Definitive Edition's first patch on steam came with an extra file that makes understanding it a lot easier.My advice is to try to find the health or money values and once you can do that start looking for more complicated things. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition v1.0 Trainer +4 - PC. For Sleeping Dogs on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled Cant.