
Seated yoga sequence
Seated yoga sequence

seated yoga sequence

Of course, there’s no need to give up the blood-pumping exercises that make your body and mind feel good, but trying to incorporate a slowed-down activity never hurt anybody :) Maybe the most beneficial exercise for you is the one that lets you experience the state of ‘not-doing’. This is too much for what our bodies were made for and can account for a lot of the aches, pains, and sickness you may be experiencing in your day-to-day life. Most of us are living a high-intensity life and always juggling a lot of activities. Those are some restorative yoga benefits that we can all enjoy a little more of! In fact, several studies have shown that it can lead to significant reductions in blood pressure, most likely thanks to its ability to calm stress. Having a restorative practice has proven health benefits as well. …but go ahead and try it you’ll see it’s not as easy as it sounds :) It also challenges the body as you’ll be sitting in a pose for a long time without any movement, which might not sound like a big challenge… It can feel especially challenging for the mind that is always active and wandering to be still and to be ok with not doing anything. This way, you are shown that your body can move comfortably in ways that it doesn’t normally move.

seated yoga sequence

If you’re attending a restorative yoga class, your teacher will likely go around the class to adjust postures and help students go deeper into the pose. Restorative yoga poses include very gentle twists, seated forward folds, and gently supported backbends. All poses are held for 5-10 minutes and all you do while holding the pose is breathe deeply and relax. These poses are often supported by props that allow you to completely relax into the given stretch. A restorative yoga sequence is made up of usually only about five or six poses.

Seated yoga sequence